The Power of Kindness
May 23, 2018 by Claire Madams
I mostly wake up with lots of good intentions. The family, the boss, co-workers, email, voicemail, social media, gets in the way. The monotony of daily life takes over and I forget to do that little something that could have made someone’s day.
I’d hope that when I am nearing the end of my days I won’t have any regrets but sadly I know that I will. My life will be have been spent doing what others expect of me, working compulsively and letting the really important things, those things that offer the most value, slide and all in the name of survival. Like most people, I often lose sight of what matters most in this world to the daily grind.
Last week the office received a call from a gentleman who was rather upset that he had lost a most favoured and treasured hat from Kangol, a brand we represent. Although we weren’t able to replace the exact hat we were able to point him in the direction of possible stockists. Matters closed you’d think, however one of our team (Josh) took the address of the gentleman and sent him a couple of sample hats from past seasons in the hope that he might find something of a replacement.
Today we received the most wonderful letter of appreciation for KBA’s and Kangol’s fabulous ‘after sales service’. A real boost to the day. Proof that even the simplest expressions of kindness can be so valuable and meaningful to not only us as individuals and teams but brands as well.
Good deeds warm hearts. Take just one moment and be kind just because you can.
For PR advice get in touch with us here or call and ask to speak to Tracey or Claire on 02077349995