The Rise of Social Media Influencers | KBA Agency
The phrase “influencer” or “social media celebrity” is the biggest buzzword in modern media and remains one of the most important and crucial parts of any product strategy. Social media stars have the scope to immediately attract new customers, all usually highly engaging with large brand loyalty. This new wave of celebrity is perfect for large brands looking to raise their profiles quickly and without having to dip into multiple media pies.
The Origins of the Social Media Star?
The use of influencers is not a new concept, in the past, filmstars and athletes would endorse products, just like the modern-day social media influencers. However, the idea to branch in social media stars is a relatively new revelation. It was only a few years ago that brands began to accept and acknowledge the power of social media influencers and their added benefits.
The social media star has been born thanks to the increased popularity of platforms such as Instagram and Youtube. These social media stars may not have a specific talent or skill but may have accumulated millions of followers from across the globe, thanks to social media worldwide appeal.
Benefits of Social Media Stars
Some would argue that traditional marketing strategies are becoming out of date and ineffective thanks to years of overexposure of traditional online ads. Plus, via an array of different sources, it is understood that almost 30% of the internet use adblocking extensions anyway. This means no matter if you create the best and most ROI driven ad, a large majority of your target audience won’t even see it. The new wave of social media stars gives brands a new way/channel to target customers completely different from traditional online ads.
The use of social media stars also carries a hugely successful ROI as the whole concept is native and fresh. The use of a familiar face (your social media influencers) gives a new sense of security to customers looking to purchase your product, helping to push sales through the roof.
Looking to book an influencer?
At KBA we look after an array of different influencers, all can be seen on our talent site here!